Retainer Broken / Teeth Have Moved
If you feel you fixed retainer is broken or you notice some movement of your teeth, you should contact your orthodontist immediately. While waiting to see your orthodontist you should wear your removable retainer that was also provided after your braces were removed. There is usually a charge to pay (currently £50-£100), depending upon how much it is damaged or if it has to be removed and replaced.
Risks Associated With Fixed Retainers
If you do not brush you teeth correctly and look after your gums, you may be at risk of gum disease. If you take frequent sugary foods and drinks, you may get holes in your front teeth around the retainer. You should visit your own dentist every 6 months to have you gum health and teeth checked. The health service will not pay to have your teeth straightened again if you damage your fixed retainer and fail to contact your orthodontist.
It is in your own interest not to miss appointments, as your treatment will take longer. Your teeth are also at risk if your brace is not monitored regularly by an orthodontist. A charge will be made for missed appointments or appointments cancelled at less than 24hrs notice.
If you are concerned about anything related to your treatment, please phone and discuss your query with any of our staff. We will always endeavour to see anyone with pain related to their appliance. This may be because your brace has broken or has become loose. As this is a busy practice, we would be grateful that you always contact the practice and arrange a time to be seen rather than just arriving at the practice hoping to be seen. You can reach us at Stirling 01786 475997 or Falkirk 01324 621130.